Triple profit!

If you want to triple your profits, then this competition is for you. We offer to conduct active trading within 30 calendar days and earn more profit than other participants. The size of your investment, at the same time, do not matter because the winner is only the one who earned a greater percentage of profit in a month than the rest. The winner will make a triple profit. Please note that within 30 days you can increase the margin level by any amount, which will increase your chance to win

Conditions for participation:

  • Make deposit more than $500
  • Apply for participation* (via personal cabinet
  • Earn as much as you can in 30 working days  
  • Expect summing up of the counting commissio

*The application must specify:  
  • Name of the contest
  • Number of  Contest account
  • Date of participation
​​​​  Please note that each trader can participate in any promotion only once! 

We wish you successful trading!


如果您想將利潤提高三倍, 那麼這場競爭就非常適合您.  我們提供在30個日曆日內進行活躍交易的機會, 並比其他參與者賺取更多利潤.  同時, 您的投資規模並不重要, 因為獲勝者只是一個月內獲得的利潤比其他人更大的人. 獲勝者將獲得三倍的利潤.  請注意, 您可以在30天內任意增加保證金水平, 這將增加您獲勝的機會


  • 入金超過$ 500
  • 申請參加*(通過個人內閣)
  • 在30個工作日內獲得盡可能多的收入
  • 期望計票委員會的總結

  • 比賽名稱
  • 競賽帳號
  • 參加日期
  請注意, 每個交易者只能參加一次促銷活動!
