Trading without investment

If you have your own successful trading strategy or you want to try your luck, then this contest is for you. Every week we're giving away $2000 among the participants of the contest, You just need to be more successful than others.

Conditions for receiving Bonus of $200

  • Active trading account
  • Verified verification  
  • Application* for a bonus (sent via personal account)

Terms for profit withdrawal

  • Trading period 1 week
  • Total profit over 30%
  • Verified account for profit withdrawal
  • 10 closed trading operations

*The application must specify: 
  • Name of the contest
  • Number of contest account
  • Date of participation 

You get 200$ and made 10 trades that brought to You $61 or more in total for the week.
Next, you apply for withdrawal of $61 and get them to the verified account.
Please note that each trader can participate in any promotion only once!

We wish you successful trading!


如果您有自己成功的交易策略, 或者想嘗試一下運氣, 那麼這場比賽非常適合您.  每週我們都會向參加競賽的人贈送$ 2000, 您只需要比其他人更成功.

獲得$ 200獎金的條件

  • 活躍交易賬戶
  • 經過驗證的驗證
  • 申請*獎金(通過個人帳戶發送)


  • 交易期1週
  • 利潤總額超過30%
  • 經過驗證的提款帳戶
  • 10個封閉的交易操作

  • 比賽名稱
  • 比賽帳號
  • 參加日期

您獲得$200美元, 並進行了10筆交易, 本週總計為您帶來$61美元或更多.
接下來, 您申請取款$ 61並將其存入經過驗證的帳戶.
請注意, 每個交易者只能參加一次促銷活動!
