Gifts for friends

Program " I recommend" is suitable for those who want to receive additional funds by attracting new traders to the company.


Conditions for participation


Traders, who have opened an account with us, must report through your personal account, your account number and you will receive any reward for you to choose:
The company's funds in the amount of 40% of deposits. These funds will be given to you each time you deposit funds with the trader you have attracted. The company's funds are not available for withdrawal, but you can withdraw the profit gained from trading them.
Real money to the trading account in the amount of 4% of the deposit amount. These funds will be given to you each time the account is replenished by the traders you have attracted. The funds will be automatically credited to your trading account, after which you can withdraw them in any convenient way.
Real money to the account in the amount of 1,5% of the deposit amount. These funds will be given to you each time the account is replenished by the traders you have attracted. The funds will be sent to your account.
We wish you successful trading!






在我們這裡開設賬戶的交易者必須通過您的個人賬戶, 您的賬戶號碼進行舉報, 您將獲得任何獎勵, 供您選擇:
該公司的資金為存款額的40%. 每當您向吸引的交易者存入資金時, 這些資金就會提供給您. 公司的資金無法提取, 但是您可以提取從交易中獲得的利潤.
實際金額到交易帳戶中的金額  存款金額的4%. 每當您吸引的交易商補充帳戶後, 這些資金就會提供給您.
金額中的真實貨幣 存款金額的1,5%. 每當您吸引的交易商補充帳戶後, 這些資金就會提供給您.  資金將被發送到您的帳戶.