"Free choice" deposit

Currency EUR,USD,CNY
Minimum deposit amount 10.000 EUR,10.000 USD, 600.000 CNY
Maximum deposit amount 40.000 EUR,40.000 USD, 2.400.000 CNY
Constant interest rate (year) 4%
Minimum deposit term(year) 1 year
Maximum deposit term (year) 5 years
Deposit opening conditions Deposit agreement is concluded with the Client who has a current account
The accrual and payment of interest Accrued interest on the Deposit shall be paid on the date of expiry of the Deposit term by transfer to the current account of the Client
Possibility of prolongation of the deposit Possible
Possibility of deposit replenishment Possible
Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds without termination of the deposit agreement Possible to withdraw profit every 3 months
Interest rate in case of partial or full withdrawal 0.01% per annum for the entire Deposit period according the Deposit agreement
Possibility of prolongation of the deposit Impossible

Fill in the form to open deposit

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最低存款額 10.000 EUR,10.000 USD,600.000 CNY
最高存款額 40.000 EUR,40.000 USD,2.400.000 CNY
固定利率(年) 4%
最低存款期限(年) 1年
最長存款期限(年) 5年
開戶條件 與擁有經常賬戶的客戶簽訂存款協議
利息的應計和支付 存款的應計利息應在存款期限屆滿之日通過轉移到客戶的往來賬戶中支付
延長押金的可能性 可能的
存款補充的可能性 可能的
在不終止存款協議的情況下部分提款的可能性 可能每3個月提取一次利潤
部分或全部提款時的利率 根據存款協議,整個存款期間的年利率為0.01%
延長押金的可能性 不可能的


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