Advance payment to the exchange account 

Requirements for the borrower
Open brokerage account Any type of  account
Method of producing On stock account in Bank China International LTD
Purpose of advance payment To increase of margin level
Scheme of calculation Individual terms
Proof of income Not required
Security Not required
Documents Passport, Verified exchange account
Commission No fees
Registration Up to 1 day
Approval Up to 1 day
Repayment period Individual terms
Maximum amount 15.000USD, 12.500 EUR
Prepayment  Early repayment without penalty. There is a recalculation on each day of use of the credit
Advance payment rates Residents China 2% per month / residents of other countries of 4% per month
Withdrawal Impossible
Profit withdrawal Profit gained from trading the company's funds is available
Additional information can be sent in request by e-mail [email protected]

Fill out the form within 10 minutes and get credit discount up to 1 %

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開設經紀賬戶 任何類型的賬戶
生產方法 中国银行国际有限公司股票账户
預付款目的 增加保證金水平
計算方案 個別條款
收入證明 不需要
安全 不需要
文件資料 護照,經過驗證的兌換帳戶
委員會 不收費
登記 長達1天
贊同 長達1天
還款期 個別條款
最大金額 15.000美元,12.500歐元
預付款   提前還款,不收取任何罰款。 每天使用此抵免額時需要重新計算
預付款率 中國居民每月2%/其他國家/地區居民每月4%
退出 不可能的
利潤提取 從公司資金交易中獲得的利潤,在用您自己的資金替換之後,就可以提取。
有關其他信息,請通過電子郵件發送請求[email protected]


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